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  1. This paper reports on the development of an automated embedded video surveillance system using two customized embedded RISC processors. The application is partitioned into object tracking and video stream enco...

    Authors: Gary Wang, Zoran Salcic and Morteza Biglari-Abhari
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:045758
  2. Advanced signal processing for voice and data in wired or wireless environments can require massive computational power. Due to the complexity and continuing evolution of such systems, it is desirable to maint...

    Authors: RF Hobson, AR Dyck, KL Cheung and B Ressl
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:069484
  3. By allowing parts of the applications to be executed either on soft processors (as software programs) or on customized hardware peripherals attached to the processors, FPGAs have made traditional energy estima...

    Authors: Jingzhao Ou and Viktor K Prasanna
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:098045
  4. Over the past few years, the realm of embedded systems has expanded to include a wide variety of products, ranging from digital cameras, to sensor networks, to medical imaging systems. Consequently, engineers ...

    Authors: Philip Garcia, Katherine Compton, Michael Schulte, Emily Blem and Wenyin Fu
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:056320
  5. Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are pervasive in embedded systems requiring low-power utilization. A novel power optimization methodology for reducing the dynamic power consumed by the routing of FPGA c...

    Authors: Li Wang, Matthew French, Azadeh Davoodi and Deepak Agarwal
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:031605
  6. Designers increasingly rely on reusing intellectual property (IP) and on raising the level of abstraction to respect system-on-chip (SoC) market characteristics. However, most hardware and embedded software co...

    Authors: Salim Ouadjaout and Dominique Houzet
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:018526
  7. The use of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for digital signal processing (DSP) has increased with the introduction of dedicated multipliers, which allow the implementation of complex algorithms. This ar...

    Authors: Mihajlo Katona, Aleksandra Pižurica, Nikola Teslić, Vladimir Kovačević and Wilfried Philips
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:016035
  8. Many very-high-complexity signal processing algorithms are required in future wireless systems, giving tremendous challenges to real-time implementations. In this paper, we present our industrial rapid prototy...

    Authors: Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, Joseph R Cavallaro and Andres Takach
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:014952
  9. To reduce the gap between the VLSI technology capability and the designer productivity, design reuse based on IP (intellectual properties) is commonly used. In terms of arithmetic accuracy, the generated archi...

    Authors: Romuald Rocher, Daniel Menard, Nicolas Herve and Olivier Sentieys
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:023197
  10. Automotive, avionic, or body-area networks are systems that consist of several communicating control units specialized for certain purposes. Typically, different constraints regarding fault tolerance, availabi...

    Authors: Thilo Streichert, Dirk Koch, Christian Haubelt and Jürgen Teich
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:042168
  11. Nowadays, design of embedded systems is confronted with complex signal processing algorithms and a multitude of computational intensive multimedia applications, while time to product launch has been extremely ...

    Authors: M Holzer, B Knerr, P Belanović and M Rupp
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2006 2006:064913