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NoC Design Flow for TDMA and QoS Management in a GALS Context


This paper proposes a new approach dealing with the tedious problem of NoC guaranteed traffics according to GALS constraints impelled by the upcoming large System-on-Chips with multiclock domains. Our solution has been designed to adjust a tradeoff between synchronous and clockless asynchronous techniques. By means of smart interfaces between synchronous sub-NoCs, Quality-of-Service (QoS) for guaranteed traffic is assured over the entire chip despite clock heterogeneity. This methodology can be easily integrated in the usual NoC design flow as an extension to traditional NoC synchronous design flows. We present real implementation obtained with our tool for a 4G telecom scheme.

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Evain, S., Diguet, JP. & Houzet, D. NoC Design Flow for TDMA and QoS Management in a GALS Context. J Embedded Systems 2006, 063656 (2006).

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