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A Framework for System-Level Modeling and Simulation of Embedded Systems Architectures


The high complexity of modern embedded systems impels designers of such systems to model and simulate system components and their interactions in the early design stages. It is therefore essential to develop good tools for exploring a wide range of design choices at these early stages, where the design space is very large. This paper provides an overview of our system-level modeling and simulation environment, Sesame, which aims at efficient design space exploration of embedded multimedia system architectures. Taking Sesame as a basis, we discuss many important key concepts in early systems evaluation, such as Y-chart-based systems modeling, design space pruning and exploration, trace-driven cosimulation, and model calibration.

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Erbas, C., Pimentel, A.D., Thompson, M. et al. A Framework for System-Level Modeling and Simulation of Embedded Systems Architectures. J Embedded Systems 2007, 082123 (2007).

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