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Table 3 OCV computation from SOC

From: Efficient embedded architectures for fast-charge model predictive controller for battery cell management in electric vehicles

Open circuit voltage from state of charge algorithm

1. Determine the boundary conditions:

 if (xm0 < 0) use the minimum pre-calculated OCV.

 else if (xm0 > 1) use the maximum pre-calculated OCV

 else if (0 < xm0 < 1) compute OCV using steps 3 to 5.

2. Find the Index

 Index = int(200*xm0)

3. Find the difference (D) and offset (S)

 D = I – 200*xm0

 S = 1 - D

4. Compute the OCV using temperature (T)

 OCV = (OCV0[I] ∗ S + OCV0[I + 1] ∗ D) + T ∗ (OCVrel[I] ∗ S + OCVrel[I + 1] ∗ D)