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System-Platforms-Based SystemC TLM Design of Image Processing Chains for Embedded Applications


Intelligent vehicle design is a complex task which requires multidomains modeling and abstraction. Transaction-level modeling (TLM) and component-based software development approaches accelerate the process of an embedded system design and simulation and hence improve the overall productivity. On the other hand, system-level design languages facilitate the fast hardware synthesis at behavioral level of abstraction. In this paper, we introduce an approach for hardware/software codesign of image processing applications targeted towards intelligent vehicle that uses platform-based SystemC TLM and component-based software design approaches along with HW synthesis using SystemC to accelerate system design and verification process. Our experiments show the effectiveness of our methodology.

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Cheema, M.O., Lacassagne, L. & Hammami, O. System-Platforms-Based SystemC TLM Design of Image Processing Chains for Embedded Applications. J Embedded Systems 2007, 071043 (2007).

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